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Parallelized Inference

When processing multiple documents, we can optimize the inference by parallelizing the computation on multiple cores and GPUs.

Assuming we have parquet files that follow the schema described in the quickstart page, we can use the following code to parallelize the processing of the documents. For a deep learning model, the idea is to have enough CPU workers, which manage the IO, rule-based components and torch pre- / post-processing, to pre-process batches of documents in parallel to the deep learning model computation in order to maximise GPU utilisation.

We will output the result to a dataset parquet folder, with 8192 documents per file. This dataset can be located on the filesystem, or on a distributed filesystem like HDFS or S3.

import edsnlp

data ="path/to/parquet_folder", converter=converter)
data = data.map_pipeline(nlp)
data = data.set_processing(
    # 1 GPUs to accelerate deep-learning pipes
    num_gpu_workers=1,  # or more if you have more GPUs
    # 4 CPUs for rb pipes, IO and pre- / post-processing
    # Each worker will process 32 docs at a time
    # Track the progress of the processing
    # Each file will contain the annotations of 8192 docs
    # Each worker will write directly to the output folder
    # without

All the parameters of the set_processing method can be found in the API documentation.

Below are some tips to help you choose the right number of workers and batch size. You should multiply the number of CPU workers num_cpu_workers by the number of GPUs to get the total number of CPU workers. These numbers are only indicative, and you should take into account:

  • the average size of your documents (bigger texts means smaller batch size), these numbers are for documents averaging 2200 characters
  • number of available cores: ensure that num_cpu_workers + num_gpu_workers < number of cores
  • the number of rule-based pipes : if you have a lot of rule-based pipes, you should increase the number of CPU workers. These numbers assume that you have disabled the dates and simpler_rules/PERSON patterns.

Make sure to monitor the GPU usage with nvidia-smi or watch -n 5 nvidia-smi to make sure your GPU(s) are fully utilized.

GPU model batch_size num_cpu_workers per gpu
~80Gb A100 < 128 6-8
~32Gb V100 < 48 3-4
~24Gb P40 < 32 1-2