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Creating Examples

Testing a NER/qualifier pipeline can be a hassle. We created a utility to simplify that process.

Using the parse_example method, you can define a full example in a human-readable way:

from edsnlp.utils.examples import parse_example

example = "Absence d'<ent negated=true>image osseuse d'allure évolutive</ent>."

text, entities = parse_example(example)

# Out: "Absence d'image osseuse d'allure évolutive."

# Out: [Entity(start_char=10, end_char=42, modifiers=[Modifier(key='negated', value=True)])]

Entities are defined using the <ent> tag. You can encode complexe information by adding keys into the tag (see example above). The parse_example method strips the text of the tags, and outputs a list of Entity objects that contain:

  • the character indices of the entity ;
  • custom user-defined "modifiers".

See the dedicated reference page for more information.