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Processing multiple texts

In the previous tutorials, we've seen how to apply a spaCy NLP pipeline to a single text. Once the pipeline is tested and ready to be applied on an entire corpus, we'll want to deploy it efficiently.

In this tutorial, we'll cover a few best practices and some caveats to avoid. Then, we'll explore methods that EDS-NLP provides perform inference on multiple texts.

Consider this simple pipeline:

import edsnlp

nlp = edsnlp.blank("eds")


config = dict(
    terms=dict(patient=["patient", "malade"]),
nlp.add_pipe("eds.matcher", config=config)

# Add qualifiers

# Add date detection

Let's deploy it on a large number of documents.

What about a for loop?

Suppose we have a corpus of text:

text = (
    "Patient admis le 25 septembre 2021 pour suspicion de Covid.\n"
    "Pas de cas de coronavirus dans ce service.\n"
    "Le père du patient est atteint du covid."

corpus = [text] * 10000  # (1)
  1. This is admittedly ugly. But you get the idea, we have a corpus of 10 000 documents we want to process...

You could just apply the pipeline document by document.

# ↑ Omitted code above ↑

docs = [nlp(text) for text in corpus]

Next, you might want to convert these documents to a DataFrame for further analysis:


df =, converter="omop")

There are a few issues with this approach:

  • If our model contains deep learning components (which it does not in this tutorial), we don't benefit from optimized batched matrix operations : ideally, we'd like to process multiple documents at once.
  • We may have multiple cores available but we don't use them to apply the pipes of our model to multiple documents at the same time.
  • We would also like to perform the conversion step (converter="omop" which extracts the annotations of our Doc object into dictionaries) in parallel.

Lazy inference and parallelization

To efficiently perform the same operations on multiple documents at once, EDS-NLP uses lazy collections, which record the operations to perform on the documents without actually executing them directly. This allows EDS-NLP to distribute these operations on multiple cores or machines when it is time to execute them. We can configure how the collection operations are run (how many jobs/workers, how many gpus, whether to use the spark engine) via the lazy collection .set_processing(...) method.

For instance,

docs =

as well as any* or* return a lazy collection, that we can iterate over or complete with more operations. To apply the model on our collection of documents, we can simply do:

docs = docs.map_pipeline(nlp)
# or à la spaCy :
# docs = nlp.pipe(docs)

SpaCy vs EDS-NLP

SpaCy's nlp.pipe method is not the same as EDS-NLP's nlp.pipe method, and will iterate over anything you pass to it, therefore executing the operations scheduled in our lazy collection.

We recommend you instantiate your models using nlp = edsnlp.blank(...) or nlp = edsnlp.load(...).

Otherwise, use the following to apply a spaCy model on a lazy collection docs without triggering its execution:

docs = docs.map_pipeline(nlp)

Finally, we can convert the documents to a DataFrame (or other formats / files) using the* or* methods. This triggers the execution of the operations scheduled in the lazy collection and produces the rows of the DataFrame.

df = docs.to_pandas(converter="omop")
# or equivalently:
# df =, converter="omop")

We can also iterate over the documents, which also triggers the execution of the operations scheduled in the lazy collection.

for doc in docs:
    # do something with the doc

Processing a DataFrame

Processing text within a pandas DataFrame is a very common use case. In many applications, you'll select a corpus of documents over a distributed cluster, load it in memory and process all texts.


In every tutorial that mentions distributing EDS-NLP over a corpus of documents, we will expect the data to be organised using a flavour of the OMOP Common Data Model.

The OMOP CDM defines two tables of interest to us:

  • the note table contains the clinical notes
  • the note_nlp table holds the results of a NLP pipeline applied to the note table.

To make sure we can follow along, we propose three recipes for getting the DataFrame: using a dummy dataset like before, loading a CSV or by loading a Spark DataFrame into memory.

import pandas as pd

text = (
    "Patient admis le 25 septembre 2021 pour suspicion de Covid.\n"
    "Pas de cas de coronavirus dans ce service.\n"
    "Le père du patient est atteint du covid."

corpus = [text] * 1000

data = pd.DataFrame(dict(note_text=corpus))
data["note_id"] = range(len(data))
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv("note.csv")
from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

df = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM note")
df ="note_id", "note_text")

data = df.limit(1000).toPandas()  # (1)
  1. We limit the size of the DataFrame to make sure we do not overwhelm our machine.

We'll see in what follows how we can efficiently deploy our pipeline on the data object.

Locally without parallelization

# Read from a dataframe & use the omop converter
docs =, converter="omop")

# Add the pipeline to operations that will be run
docs = nlp.pipe(docs)

# Convert each doc to a list of dicts (one by entity)
# and store the result in a pandas DataFrame
note_nlp =
    # Below are the arguments to the converter
    span_getter=["ents", "dates"],
    span_attributes={  # (1)
        "negation": "negation",
        "hypothesis": "hypothesis",
        "family": "family",
        "": "date_day",  # slugified name
        "date.month": "date_month",
        "date.year": "date_year",
  1. You can just pass a list if you don't want to rename the attributes.

The result on the first note:

note_id start end label lexical_variant negation hypothesis family key
0 0 7 patient Patient 0 0 0 ents
0 114 121 patient patient 0 0 1 ents
0 17 34 2021-09-25 25 septembre 2021 nan nan nan dates

Locally, using multiple parallel workers

# Read from a dataframe & use the omop converter
docs =, converter="omop")

# Add the pipeline to operations that will be run
docs = nlp.pipe(docs)

# The operations of our lazy collection will be distributed on multiple workers
docs = docs.set_processing(backend="multiprocessing")

# Convert each doc to a list of dicts (one by entity)
# and store the result in a pandas DataFrame
note_nlp =
    span_getter=["ents", "dates"],
        "negation": "negation",
        "hypothesis": "hypothesis",
        "family": "family",
        "": "date_day",  # slugify the extension name
        "date.month": "date_month",
        "date.year": "date_year"

In a distributed fashion with spark

To use the Spark engine to distribute the computation, we create our lazy collection from the Spark dataframe directly and write the result to a new Spark dataframe. EDS-NLP will automatically distribute the operations on the cluster (setting backend="spark" behind the scenes), but you can change the backend (for instance to multiprocessing to run locally).

# Read from the pyspark dataframe & use the omop converter
docs =, converter="omop")

# Add the pipeline to operations that will be run
docs = nlp.pipe(docs)

# Convert each doc to a list of dicts (one by entity)
# and store the result in a pyspark DataFrame
note_nlp =
    span_getter=["ents", "dates"],
        "negation": "negation",
        "hypothesis": "hypothesis",
        "family": "family",
        "": "date_day",  # slugify the extension name
        "date.month": "date_month",
        "date.year": "date_year"
    dtypes=None,  # (1)
  1. If you don't pass a dtypes argument, EDS-NLP will print the inferred schema it such that you can copy-paste it in your code.

Using a custom converter

To customize the conversion of a Doc object to dictionaries, you can pass a converter argument. It will either be a string (the name of a converter) or a callable, that should return either a dictionary or a list of dictionaries.

from spacy.tokens import Doc
from typing import Any, Dict, List

def get_entities(doc: Doc) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Return a list of dict representation for the entities"""

    entities = []

    for ent in doc.ents:
        d = dict(

    for date in doc.spans.get("dates", []):
        d = dict(

    return entities

docs =, converter="omop")

# Add the pipeline to operations that will be run
docs = nlp.pipe(docs)

# Convert each doc to a list of dicts (one by entity)
# and store the result in a pyspark DataFrame
note_nlp =
    # no keyword args here since our converter expects none
begin end label entity_text negation hypothesis family
0 7 patient Patient False False False
114 121 patient patient False False True
17 34 date 25 sept...
0 7 patient Patient False False False
114 121 patient patient False False True