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Detecting end-of-lines

A common problem in medical corpus is that the character \n does not necessarily correspond to a real new line as in other domains.

For example, it is common to find texts like:

Il doit prendre
le medicament indiqué 3 fois par jour. Revoir médecin
dans 1 mois.

Inserted new line characters

This issue is especially impactful for clinical notes that have been extracted from PDF documents. In that case, the new line character could be deliberately inserted by the doctor, or more likely added to respect the layout during the edition of the PDF.

The aim of this tutorial is to train a unsupervised model to detect this false endlines and to use it for inference. The implemented model is based on the work of Zweigenbaum et alZweigenbaum et al., 2016.

Training the model

Let's train the model using an example corpus of three documents:

import edsnlp
from edsnlp.pipes.core.endlines.model import EndLinesModel

nlp = edsnlp.blank("eds")

text1 = """Le patient est arrivé hier soir.
Il est accompagné par son fils

Il a fait une TS en 2010;
Fumeur, il est arrêté il a 5 mois
Chirurgie de coeur en 2011
Il doit prendre
le medicament indiqué 3 fois par jour. Revoir médecin
dans 1 mois.

Antecedents Familiaux:
- 1. Père avec diabète

text2 = """J'aime le \nfromage...\n"""
text3 = (
    "Intervention(s) - acte(s) réalisé(s) :/n"
    "Parathyroïdectomie élective le [DATE]"

texts = [

corpus = nlp.pipe(texts)

# Fit the model
endlines = EndLinesModel(nlp=nlp)  # (1)
df = endlines.fit_and_predict(corpus)  # (2)

# Save model
PATH = "/tmp/path_to_model"
  1. Initialize the EndLinesModel object and then fit (and predict) in the training corpus.
  2. The corpus should be an iterable of edsnlp documents.

Use a trained model for inference

import edsnlp

nlp = edsnlp.blank("eds")

PATH = "/path_to_model"
nlp.add_pipe("eds.endlines", config=dict(model_path=PATH))  # (1)
nlp.add_pipe("eds.sentences")  # (1)

docs = list(nlp.pipe([text1, text2, text3]))

doc = docs[1]
# Out: J'aime le
# Out: fromage...

# Out: J'aime le
# Out: fromage...
  1. You should specify the path to the trained model here.
  2. All fake new line are excluded by setting their tag to 'EXCLUDED' and all true new lines' tag are set to 'ENDLINE'.

Declared extensions

It lets downstream matchers skip excluded tokens (see normalisation) for more detail.

  1. Zweigenbaum P., Grouin C. and Lavergne T., 2016. Une catégorisation de fins de lignes non-supervisée (End-of-line classification with no supervision).