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The eds.endlines component classifies newline characters as actual end of lines or mere spaces. In the latter case, the token is removed from the normalised document.

Behind the scenes, it uses a endlinesmodel instance, which is an unsupervised algorithm based on the work of Zweigenbaum et al., 2016.


import edsnlp
from edsnlp.pipes.core.endlines.model import EndLinesModel

nlp = edsnlp.blank("eds")

texts = [
Le patient est arrivé hier soir.
Il est accompagné par son fils

Il a fait une TS en 2010
Fumeur, il est arreté il a 5 mois
Chirurgie de coeur en 2011
Il doit prendre
le medicament indiqué 3 fois par jour. Revoir médecin
dans 1 mois.

Antecedents Familiaux:
- 1. Père avec diabete
J'aime le

docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts))

# Train and predict an EndLinesModel
endlines = EndLinesModel(nlp=nlp)

df = endlines.fit_and_predict(docs)

PATH = "/tmp/path_to_save"


import edsnlp
from spacy.tokens import Span
from spacy import displacy

nlp = edsnlp.blank("eds")

PATH = "/tmp/path_to_save"
nlp.add_pipe("eds.endlines", config=dict(model_path=PATH))

docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts))

doc_exemple = docs[1]

doc_exemple.ents = tuple(
    Span(doc_exemple, token.i, token.i + 1, "excluded")
    for token in doc_exemple
    if token.tag_ == "EXCLUDED"

displacy.render(doc_exemple, style="ent", options={"colors": {"space": "red"}})


The eds.endlines pipeline declares one extension, on both Span and Token objects. The end_line attribute is a boolean, set to True if the pipeline predicts that the new line is an end line character. Otherwise, it is set to False if the new line is classified as a space.

The pipeline also sets the excluded custom attribute on newlines that are classified as spaces. It lets downstream matchers skip excluded tokens (see normalisation) for more detail.



The pipeline object.

TYPE: PipelineProtocol


The name of the component.


Path to trained model. If None, it will use a default model

TYPE: Optional[Union[str, EndLinesModel]] DEFAULT: None

Authors and citation

The eds.endlines pipeline was developed by AP-HP's Data Science team based on the work of Zweigenbaum et al., 2016.

  1. Zweigenbaum P., Grouin C. and Lavergne T., 2016. Une catégorisation de fins de lignes non-supervisée (End-of-line classification with no supervision).