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Data can be read from and writen to various sources, like JSON/BRAT/CSV files or dataframes, and arranged following different schemas. The schema defines the structure of the data and how it should be interpreted. We detail here the different schemas that are currently supported, and how to configure them to be converted from and to Doc objects.

These parameters can be passed to the from_* (or read_* in the case of files) and to_* (or write_* in the case of files) methods, depending on the chosen converter argument.


OMOP is a schema that is used in the medical domain. It is based on the OMOP Common Data Model. We are mainly interested in the note table, which contains the clinical notes, and deviate from the original schema by adding an optional entities column that can be computed from the note_nlp table.

Therefore, a complete OMOP-style document would look like this:

  "note_id": 0,
  "note_text": "Le patient ...",
  "entities": [
      "note_nlp_id": 0,
      "start_char": 3,
      "end_char": 10,
      "lexical_variant": "patient",
      "note_nlp_source_value": "person",

      # optional fields
      "negated": False,
      "certainty": "probable",

  # optional fields
  "custom_doc_field": "..."

Converting OMOP data to Doc objects


The tokenizer instance used to tokenize the documents. Likely not needed since by default it uses the current context tokenizer :

  • the tokenizer of the next pipeline run by .map_pipeline in a LazyCollection.
  • or the eds tokenizer by default.

TYPE: Optional[PipelineProtocol] DEFAULT: None


The span setter to use when setting the spans in the documents. Defaults to setting the spans in the ents attribute, and creates a new span group for each JSON entity label.

TYPE: SpanSetterArg DEFAULT: {'ents': True, '*': True}


Mapping from JSON attributes to Span extensions (can be a list too). By default, all attributes are imported as Doc extensions with the same name.

TYPE: AttributesMappingArg DEFAULT: {}


Mapping from JSON attributes to Span extensions (can be a list too). By default, all attributes are imported as Span extensions with the same name.

TYPE: Optional[AttributesMappingArg] DEFAULT: None


List of attributes for which missing values should be set to False.

TYPE: SequenceStr DEFAULT: []

Converting Doc objects to OMOP data


The span getter to use when getting the spans from the documents. Defaults to getting the spans in the ents attribute.

TYPE: SpanGetterArg DEFAULT: {'ents': True}


Mapping from Doc extensions to JSON attributes (can be a list too). By default, no doc attribute is exported, except note_id.

TYPE: AttributesMappingArg DEFAULT: {}


Mapping from Span extensions to JSON attributes (can be a list too). By default, no attribute is exported.

TYPE: AttributesMappingArg DEFAULT: {}


Standoff refers mostly to the BRAT standoff format, but doesn't indicate how the annotations should be stored in a JSON-like schema. We use the following schema:

  "doc_id": 0,
  "text": "Le patient ...",
  "entities": [
      "entity_id": 0,
      "label": "drug",
      "fragments": [{
        "start": 0,
        "end": 10
      "attributes": {
        "negated": True,
        "certainty": "probable"

Converting Standoff data to Doc objects


The tokenizer instance used to tokenize the documents. Likely not needed since by default it uses the current context tokenizer :

  • the tokenizer of the next pipeline run by .map_pipeline in a LazyCollection.
  • or the eds tokenizer by default.

TYPE: Optional[Tokenizer] DEFAULT: None


The span setter to use when setting the spans in the documents. Defaults to setting the spans in the ents attribute, and creates a new span group for each JSON entity label.

TYPE: SpanSetterArg DEFAULT: {'ents': True, '*': True}


Mapping from JSON attributes to Span extensions (can be a list too). By default, all attributes are imported as Span extensions with the same name.

TYPE: Optional[AttributesMappingArg] DEFAULT: None


Whether to keep the raw attribute values (as strings) or to convert them to Python objects (e.g. booleans).

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


List of attributes for which missing values should be set to False.

TYPE: SequenceStr DEFAULT: []

Converting Doc objects to Standoff data


The span getter to use when getting the spans from the documents. Defaults to getting the spans in the ents attribute.

TYPE: Optional[SpanGetterArg] DEFAULT: None


Mapping from Span extensions to JSON attributes (can be a list too). By default, no attribute is exported, except note_id.

TYPE: AttributesMappingArg DEFAULT: {}