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This library provides a visualization tool that aggregates the data to provide two interactive dashboards and a summary table describing various statistical properties of your biological data.


It expects a Data object containing the following OMOP format tables:


The function can be used on raw data or on the transformed data returned by the bioclean function .

from import HiveData
from eds_scikit.biology import plot_biology_summary

db_name = "cse_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx"
tables =  ["measurement", "concept", "concept_relationship", "visit_occurrence", "care_site"]

data = HiveData(db_name, tables_to_load=tables)



plot_biology_summary() creates a folder for each concepts-set. For instance, let us see what you will find in the folder Glucose_Blood_Quantitative`.

Summary table

A statistical summary table as below:

LOINC_concept_code AnaBio_concept_code LOINC_concept_name AnaBio_concept_name unit_source_value count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max MAD max_threshold min_threshold care_site_short_name
395136991232 14749-6 A0141 Glucose [Moles/Volume] Serum/Plasma - Numerique Glucose_Serum/Plasma_mmol/L mmol/l 691358.0 6.63218 6.55476 0.0 4.9 5.69 7.16 4500.0 1.4652 11.5508 0.0 ALL
704374636544 14749-6 F2406 Glucose [Moles/Volume] Serum/Plasma - Numerique Glucose Fibromax_Serum/Plasma_mmol/L mmol/l 108.0 6.761852 3.534022 2.0 4.99 5.8 7.09 29.37 1.4504 11.6016 0.0 ALL
824633720832 14749-6 A7339 Glucose [Moles/Volume] Serum/Plasma - Numerique Glucose h?_Serum/Plasma_mmol/L mmol/l 600.0 5.690167 2.524383 0.7 4.5 5.1 6.1 24.2 1.036 9.244 0.956 ALL
893353197568 14749-6 B9553 Glucose [Moles/Volume] Serum/Plasma - Numerique Glucose_Plasma_mmol/L mmol/l 26635.0 6.731067 3.334219 1.3 4.8 5.6 7.4 66.4 1.48 11.52 0.0 ALL
1082331758592 2345-7 E7312 Glucose SerPl-mCnc Glucose_Serum/Plasma_mg/dL mg/dl 119144.0 117.097998 242.990109 3.6 84.6 99.0 124.2 81045.0 24.124 195.496 2.504 ALL
1511828488192 14749-6 A8424 Glucose [Moles/Volume] Serum/Plasma - Numerique Glucose_Plasma FNA_mmol/L mmol/l 103334.0 6.667987 3.790141 0.1 4.8 5.6 7.3 160.9 1.48 11.52 0.0 ALL
8589934592 14749-6 A0141 Glucose [Moles/Volume] Serum/Plasma - Numerique Glucose_Serum/Plasma_mmol/L mmol/l 83756.0 6.650058 3.138156 0.01 5.05 5.78 7.17 93.35 None None None CARE SITE 10
34359738368 2345-7 E7312 Glucose SerPl-mCnc Glucose_Serum/Plasma_mg/dL mg/dl 8.0 109.325 46.192261 72.0 72.0 95.4 106.0 216.0 None None None CARE SITE 2
103079215104 14749-6 A0141 Glucose [Moles/Volume] Serum/Plasma - Numerique Glucose_Serum/Plasma_mmol/L mmol/l 99030.0 6.725521 3.319078 0.2 5.0 5.8 7.3 89.9 None None None CARE SITE 11
154618822656 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Volumetry dashboard

An interactive dashboard describing the volumety properties over time.

An example is available here.

Distribution dashboard

An interactive dashboard describing the distribution properties.

An example is available here.