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Visualizing measurements

Once the measurement table has been computed, biology module provides measurement_values_summary and plot_biology_summary to gain better insights into their distribution and volumetry across codes, care sites, and time.

Statistical summary

measurement_values_summary generates useful statistics to identify anomalies in measurements associated with a concept set.

from eds_scikit.biology import measurement_values_summary

stats_summary = measurement_values_summary(

concept_set ANABIO_concept_code no_units unit_source_value range_low_anomaly_count range_high_anomaly_count measurement_count value_as_number_count value_as_number_mean value_as_number_std value_as_number_min value_as_number_25% value_as_number_50% value_as_number_75% value_as_number_max
Custom_Leukocytes A0174 148 x10*9/l 813 1099 11857 11857 21 18 0 25 50 75 100
Custom_Leukocytes C8824 121 x10*9/l 1166 1196 11821 11821 20 20 0 25 50 75 100
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Plot summary

plot_biology_summary generates a useful dashboard to better understand the volumetry and distribution of codes within the same concept set. The purpose is to identify and correct possible biases associated with sets of codes, time periods, or specific care sites.

from eds_scikit.biology import plot_biology_summary

# First add 'care_site_short_name' column to measurement table
measurement = measurement.merge(
    data.visit_occurrence[["care_site_id", "visit_occurrence_id"]],
measurement = measurement.merge(
    data.care_site[["care_site_id", "care_site_short_name"]], on="care_site_id"

plot_biology_summary(measurement, value_column="value_as_number")

Volumetry dashboard Distribution dashboard

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