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About measurement

About measurements table

The BioClean module focuses on three OMOP terms:

  • Measurement is a record obtained through the standardized testing or examination of a person or person's sample.
  • Concept is a semantic notion that uniquely identify a clinical event. It can group several measurements.
  • Concept Relationship is a semantic relation between terminologies, allowing to map codes from different terminologies.

A fourht term was created to ease the use of the two above:

  • concepts-set is a generic concept that has been deemed appropriate for most biological analyses. It is a group of several biological concepts representing the same biological entity.

Let's imagine the laboratory X tests the creatinine of Mister A and Mister B in mg/dL and the laboratory Y tests the creatinine of Mister C in µmol/L. In this context, the dataset will contain:

  • 3 measurements (one for each conducted test)
  • 2 concepts (one concept for the creatinine tested in mg/dL and another one for the creatinine tested in µmol/L)
  • 1 concepts-set (it groups the 2 concepts because they are the same biological entity)


A vocabulary is a terminology system that associates a code to a specific clinical event. One may distinguish two types of vocabularies:

Source vocabulary

The source vocabulary is the vocabulary used in the LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) software. It is specific to the LIMS and may be different in each laboratory.

Standard vocabulary

The standard vocabulary is a unified vocabulary that allows data analysis on a larger scale.

  • It is classified in chapter.
  • It has a bigger granularity than the source vocabulary, multiple source codes may be associated to one standard code.

Vocabulary flowchart in OMOP

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