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A concepts-set is a generic concept that has been deemed appropriate for most biological analyses. It is a group of several biological concepts representing the same biological entity.


This dataset is listing common biological entities in AP-HP's Data Warehouse.

Below, one can see the list of default concepts-set provided by the library.


concepts_set_name GLIMS_ANABIO_concept_code concepts_set_category
ALAT_Activity ['A0002', 'G1804', 'J7373', 'E2067', 'F2629'] hepatic_panel
ASAT_Activity ['A0022', 'G1800', 'E2068', 'F2628'] hepatic_panel
Activated_Partial_Thromboplastin_Time ['A1792', 'L7286', 'A7748'] coagulation
Adenovirus ['I5915', 'I7952', 'J2229', 'J2988', 'J8817', 'K1527', 'J9968'] virology
Albumine_Blood_Concentration ['D2358', 'C6841', 'C2102', 'G6616', 'L2260', 'A0006', 'E4799', 'I2013'] proteins
B-HCG_Blood_Concentration ['A7426', 'F2353', 'A0164', 'L2277'] diabete
B.pertussis ['I7748', 'I7968', 'K1531'] virology
BNP_Concentration ['C8189', 'B5596', 'A2128'] cardiac_biomarkers
BNP_and_NTProBNP_Concentration ['C8189', 'B5596', 'A2128', 'A7333', 'J7267', 'J7959'] cardiac_biomarkers
... ... ...

You can see the dataset here


The concept codes are expressed in the AnaBio and LOINC standard vocabularies (for more information about the vocabularies see the Vocabulary page).

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