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Getting started

eds-scikit is a tool to assist data scientists working on the AP-HP’s Clinical Data Warehouse. It is specifically targeted for OMOP-standardized data to:

  • Ease access and analysis of data

  • Allow a better transfer of knowledge between projects

  • Improve research reproduciblity

As an example, the following figure was obtained using various functionalities from eds-scikit.

Image title

How was it done ?

Click on the figure above to jump to the tutorial using various functionalities from eds-scikit, or continue reading the introduction!

Using eds-scikit with I2B2

Although designed for OMOP databases, eds-scikit provides a connector for I2B2 databases is available. We don't guarantee its exhaustivity, but it should allow you to use functionnalities of the library seamlessly.

Quick start



eds-scikit stands on the shoulders of Spark 2.4 which runs on Java 8 and Python ~3.7.1. If you work on AP-HP's CDW, those requirements are already fulfilled, so please disregard the following steps. Else, it is essential to:

You can install eds-scikit via pip:

fast →pip install eds-scikitSuccessfully installed eds_scikit !

restart ↻

Possible issue with pip

If you get an an error during installation, please try downgrading pip via pip install -U "pip<23" before install eds-scikit

Improving performances on distributed data

It is highly recommanded (but not mandatory) to use the helper function eds_scikit.improve_performances to optimaly configure PySpark and Koalas. You can simply call

import eds_scikit

spark, sc, sql = eds_scikit.improve_performances()
The function will return

  • A SparkSession
  • A SparkContext
  • An sql function to execute SQL queries

A first example: Merging visits together

Let's tackle a common problem when dealing with clinical data: Merging close/consecutive visits into stays. As detailled in the dedicated section, eds-scikit is expecting to work with Pandas or Koalas DataFrames. We provide various connectors to facilitate data fetching, namely a Hive connector and a Postgres connector

from import HiveData

data = HiveData(DB_NAME)
visit_occurrence = data.visit_occurrence  # (1)
  1. With this connector, visit_occurrence will be a Pandas DataFrame


If DB_NAME points to an I2B2 database, use data = HiveData(DB_NAME, database_type="I2B2")

from import PostgresData

DB_NAME = "my_db"
SCHEMA = "my_schema"
USER = "my_username"
data = PostgresData(DB_NAME, schema=SCHEMA, user=USER)  # (1)
visit_occurrence = data.visit_occurrence  # (2)
  1. This connector expects a .pgpass file storing the connection parameters
  2. With this connector, visit_occurrence will be a Pandas DataFrame

You can use eds-scikit with data from any source, as long as:
- It follows the OMOP format
- It is a Pandas or Koalas DataFrame
import pandas as pd

visit_occurrence = pd.read_csv("./data/visit_occurrence.csv")


For the sake of the example, only columns of interest are shown here.

visit_occurrence_id person_id visit_start_datetime visit_end_datetime visit_source_value row_status_source_value care_site_id
0 A 999 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2021-01-05 00:00:00 hospitalisés courant 1
1 B 999 2021-01-04 00:00:00 2021-01-08 00:00:00 hospitalisés courant 1
2 C 999 2021-01-12 00:00:00 2021-01-18 00:00:00 hospitalisés courant 1
3 D 999 2021-01-13 00:00:00 2021-01-14 00:00:00 urgence courant 1
4 E 999 2021-01-19 00:00:00 2021-01-21 00:00:00 hospitalisés courant 2
5 F 999 2021-01-25 00:00:00 2021-01-27 00:00:00 hospitalisés supprimé 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
# Importing the desired functions:

from eds_scikit.period.stays import merge_visits, get_stays_duration

# Calling the first function: computing stays

visit_occurrence = merge_visits(visit_occurrence)

As you can see, the function added a STAY_ID concept, grouping visits together

visit_occurrence_id STAY_ID
0 A A
1 B A
2 C C
3 D C
4 E E
5 F F
... ... ...
# Calling the second function: computing stays duration
stays = get_stays_duration(visit_occurrence, missing_end_date_handling="coerce")

Here, each stay duration was calculated, dealing with potential overlaps and inclusions.:

A 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2021-01-08 00:00:00 168
C 2021-01-12 00:00:00 2021-01-18 00:00:00 144
E 2021-01-19 00:00:00 2021-01-21 00:00:00 48
F 2021-01-25 00:00:00 2021-01-27 00:00:00 48
... ... ... ...

About the code above

As you noticed, the pipeline above is fairly straightforward, needing only the visit_occurrence DataFrame as input. However, it is also highly customizable, and you should always look into all the various availables options for the functions you're using. For instance, the following parameters could have been used:

visit_occurrence = merge_visits(
    merge_different_source_values=["hospitalisés", "urgence"],

stays = get_stays_duration(
    visit_occurrence, algo="sum_of_visits_duration", missing_end_date_handling="coerce"

A word about AP-HP

Specifics of AP-HP CDW

eds-scikit was developped by AP-HP's Data Science team with the help of Inria's Soda team. As such, it is especially well fitted for AP-HP's Data Warehouse. In this doc, we use the following card to mention information that might be useful when using eds-scikit with AP-HP's data:

Some information

Here, we might for instance suggest some parameters for a function that should be used given AP-HP's data.


Also, a rule-based NLP library (EDS-NLP) designed to work on clinical texts was developped in parallel with eds-scikit. We decided not to include EDS-NLP as a dependency. Still, some functions might require an input à la note_nlp: For instance, the current function designed to extract consultation dates from a visit_occurrence car work either on structured data only or with dates extracted in text and compiled in a DataFrame.

You are free to use the method of your choice to get this DataFrame, as long as it contains the necessary columns as mentionned in the documentation. Note that we mention with the following card the availability of an EDS-NLP dedicated pipeline:

A dedicated pipe

For the example above, a consultation date pipeline exists. Moreover, methods are available to run an EDS-NLP pipeline on a Pandas, Spark or even Koalas DataFrame !

Contributing to eds-scikit

We welcome contributions! Fork the project and create a pull request. Take a look at the dedicated page for details.


If you use eds-scikit, please cite us as below.

    author = {Petit-Jean, Thomas and Remaki, Adam and Maladière, Vincent and Varoquaux, Gaël and Bey, Romain},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7401549},
    title = {eds-scikit: data analysis on OMOP databases},
    url = {}
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