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Rule-based model


First, clone the repository

git clone
cd eds-pseudo

And install the dependencies:

poetry install

If you face issues with the installation, try to lower the maximum python version to <= 3.10 (in pyproject.toml).

Rule-based model definition

A simple option consists in using the rule-based components of the model.

import edsnlp

nlp = edsnlp.blank("eds")

# Some text cleaning

# Various simple rules
    config={"pattern_keys": ["TEL", "MAIL", "SECU", "PERSON"]},

# Address detection

# Date detection

# Contextual rules (requires a dict of info about the patient)

# Date value and format detector
# This is useful to reinsert a new shifted date with the same format in the text
    config={"format": "java"}
    # java format -> will output a format like "yyyy/MM/dd"
    # strftime format -> will output a format like "%Y/%m/%d"

# Apply it to a text
doc = nlp(
    "En 2015, M. Charles-François-Bienvenu "
    "Myriel était évêque de Digne. C’était un vieillard "
    "d’environ soixante-quinze ans ; il occupait le "
    "siège de Digne depuis le 2 janvier 2006."
for e in doc.ents:
    print(f"{e.text: <30}{e.label_: <10}{str( <15}{e._.date_format}")

# Text                          Label     Date           Format
# ----------------------------  --------  -------------  ---------
# 2015                          DATE      2015-??-??     yyyy
# Charles-François-Bienvenu     NOM       None           None
# Myriel                        PRENOM    None           None
# 2 janvier 2006                DATE      2006-01-02     d MMMM yyyy
  1. The original date is 1815, but the rule-based date detection only matches dates after 1900 to avoid false positives.

You can observe that the model is not flawless : "Digne" is not detected as a city. This can be alleviated by adding contextual information about the patient (see below), or by training a model.

Apply on multiple documents

We recommend you check out the edsnlp's tutorial on how to process multiple documents.

Assuming we have a dataframe df with columns note_id, text and an optional column context, containing information about the patient, e.g.:

note_id text context
doc-1 En 2015, M. Charles-François-Bienvenu ... {"VILLE": "DIGNE", "zip": "04070"}
doc-2 Mme. Ange-Gardien Josephine est admise pour irritation des tendons fléchisseurs
doc-3 josephine.ange-gardien @

We can apply the model to all the documents with the following code:

import edsnlp

# Function to convert a row of the dataframe to a Doc object
def converter(row):
    tokenizer =
    doc = tokenizer(row["text"])
    doc._.note_id = row["note_id"]
    ctx = row["context"]
    if isinstance(ctx, dict):
        doc._.context = {k: v if isinstance(v, list) else [v] for k, v in ctx.items()}
    return doc

data =, converter=converter)
data = data.map_pipeline(nlp)
data.to_pandas(converter="ents", span_attributes=["date", "date_format"])

and we get the following dataframe:

note_id start end label lexical_variant
doc-1 3 7 DATE 2015
doc-1 12 37 NOM Charles-François-Bienvenu
doc-1 38 44 PRENOM Myriel
doc-1 61 66 VILLE Digne
doc-1 145 150 VILLE Digne
doc-1 158 162 DATE 2006
doc-2 5 17 NOM Ange-Gardien
doc-2 18 27 PRENOM Joséphine
doc-3 0 33 MAIL josephine.ange-gardien @